
Planning Superpowers By Enneagram Type

Planning Superpowers By Enneagram Type

  What Helps You Thrive in Productivity? Ones - Prioritize important over urgent! Delegate any urgent tasks that you can. Twos - Create balance between what you do for others...

Planning Superpowers By Enneagram Type

  What Helps You Thrive in Productivity? Ones - Prioritize important over urgent! Delegate any urgent tasks that you can. Twos - Create balance between what you do for others...

All Enneaplanners Pre-Sale Live Now!!!

All Enneaplanners Pre-Sale Live Now!!!

Head on over to our shop page! You can now pre-order any of our Enneaplanners! You guys have been so patiently waiting while our team has been killing it this...

All Enneaplanners Pre-Sale Live Now!!!

Head on over to our shop page! You can now pre-order any of our Enneaplanners! You guys have been so patiently waiting while our team has been killing it this...

Enneaplanner talks with NikkiJPlans

Enneaplanner talks with NikkiJPlans

We had such a fun conversation with Plan A Life You Love Podcast host Nikki last month. Nikki is a planner lover who was totally new to all things Enneagram. 

Enneaplanner talks with NikkiJPlans

We had such a fun conversation with Plan A Life You Love Podcast host Nikki last month. Nikki is a planner lover who was totally new to all things Enneagram. 

Enneaplanner Featured on Canvas Rebel

Enneaplanner Featured on Canvas Rebel

We were so honored to sit down with Canvas Rebel Magazine. Canvas Rebel highlights up and coming people and businesses all around the United States talking about leadership, strategy, and...

Enneaplanner Featured on Canvas Rebel

We were so honored to sit down with Canvas Rebel Magazine. Canvas Rebel highlights up and coming people and businesses all around the United States talking about leadership, strategy, and...

Cheers to a Wholehearted You!

Cheers to a Wholehearted You!

It was so much fun to chat with Amy Wicks of Simply Wholehearted and share about Enneaplanner One. The Simply Wholehearted Podcast explores so many great topics highlighting the Enneagram. ...

Cheers to a Wholehearted You!

It was so much fun to chat with Amy Wicks of Simply Wholehearted and share about Enneaplanner One. The Simply Wholehearted Podcast explores so many great topics highlighting the Enneagram. ...

Enneaplanner Featured in Nashville Voyager Magazine!

Enneaplanner Featured in Nashville Voyager Maga...

We were so excited to sit down and talk with Nashville Voyager. They included Enneaplanner as one of their Hidden Gems. What a fun opportunity to share our story with...

Enneaplanner Featured in Nashville Voyager Maga...

We were so excited to sit down and talk with Nashville Voyager. They included Enneaplanner as one of their Hidden Gems. What a fun opportunity to share our story with...